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April 22, 2009

Boot Camp Update.

I'm pretty certain I have mentioned the boot camp of which myself and a few other members of my church body are about to become guinea pigs. Tonight we had a much needed pre-meeting.

This boot camp is about to effect a lot of things in my life. Sleep schedule. Financial outlook. Hospitality capabilities. Spiritual discipline. Selflessness in super close living. The end result should be an overall intentionality and control of my life. Its interesting to realize that all of these extensively practical changes are truly very much central to living in accord with Christ. I mean, I don't have a clue what the actual changes are going to look like in the end, I just know they are gonna be very large and very fruitful. Its really sad to me that more singles, especially guys, are no where near even knowing they need this or having people people who would impliment it for them. I am truly blessed.

This, just like the Story Formed Life, is something which I deperately need personally but am more eager to be leading, simply because I see the great need everywhere and the great potential within.


April 20, 2009

Over the last few weeks, our body has been under a lot of attack. Actually, because of an unrelated note, I really don't like calling our church a body, just because of the fact that "the body" should be our term for the entire catholic church. It expresses to a greater degree the intensity of universal unity we should be conscious of. But I digress.

Our body has seen various forms of attack. Relational disturbance, depression, spiritual cloudiness, emotional turmoil, spiritual confusion, and even physical sickness and negative daily routine changes. I truly see everyone of these as a way in which we are being bullied.

But Satan doesn't attack those standing still, usually not even those meandering about, his focus is on those driving a straight line. Satan hates purposeful pursuit of God's glory. We are seeking the Lord, and He is giving unified vision. This attack is ultimately an attempt to create varied vision. Faithfulness and unity are key to what the Lord is doing. So I seek Him...


Take this!

Destroy confusion, destroy disunity!

We don't ask for easy-going, but for clarity in the vision You are casting!

Give us unity under Your callings, work in us together toward your common goals!

Soli Deo Gloria!