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March 13, 2009

Read Colossians 4:2.

Depending on your translation, the verse says something to the effect of...

Always be in constant prayer, and watch what for how the Lord will honor this.

(personal paraphrase)

I read that this morning, and it is a pretty appropriate summary of recent events, not to mention very self-fulfilling. God has been faithful as of late to consider myself worthy of His blessings, and I have seen them poured out in an ability to be more passionate about Him. We have been seeking Him and found Him more faithful and abundant than any man can ever fathom without being in the midst of such circumstances.

Over the past few months, my single male friends and I have been pursuing Christ with a hope to live in closer community for fellowship, accountability, and general discipline. God has shown Himself faithful in that He has provided vision within the leadership of our church to go one step further, and a few of us will be entering into a 3-month "boot camp" program which is specifically designed for these goals, along with greater accountability, enhanced discipline for more responsible living, and purposeful mentorship from older men who seek to see us mature and take on church leadership. And to think all we asked for was more interpersonal discipline!

God is also showing Himself faithful as we seek to find more unity among the churches of this community, of this entire city even! We desire to see churches as He sees them, overlooking the numerous flaws and recognizing those redeemed for His Glory. I am broken when I realize that all believers hold on fiercely to some viewpoints or doctrines of God which are not true, even when they are seeking Him, and yet He remains faithful to men! We believe and pray for unity among denominations, that churches would partner together to see Him and His glory reaching out to the world, and the specific places where we are involved. This past week in Over the Rhine, Dave and I were able to participate in a Bible study which we were unsure about attending, and the Lord blessed it amazingly. It was an unbelievable experience to go into a completely unfamiliar situation and seek God's praise with new people in earnest. Let cultural boundaries be broken and all voices join as one!

God desires us to be pursuing Him in prayer. We know not how to follow in ourselves, so we must simply pursue Him to have His way with us, and then actually allow this to take place. We must pray for Him to act through us, because we won't know what to do with His will and more of Him in us. We don't only need wisdom, but we also need His action to counteract any appearances of flesh within us. Fill us with your Spirit! Destroy the flesh within us daily!

Lord, kill me if I don't preach the Gospel!